Vitrogres, custom glass mosaic tiles

Tomas Alia
Tomas AlÃa is an internation studio devoted to interior architecture, industrial design, graphic images and temporary exhibitions. The philosophy and success of the Tomás AlÃa studio is mainly based on big team works developped by a multidisciplinary team. The different professional figures present in the team allow developing and solving every kind of requirement linked to the professional environment, from residential areas projects to furniture and accessories design. Their works are both nationally and internationally recognised
He has been many times recognised both by the national and international media, which describe him as one of the 500 more influencing people in Spain.
Recently his image has been linked to the figures of Jean Nouvel, Patricia Urquiola and Zaha Hadid. He has been the first example in Spain of author appartments designer. In 2000 he was awarded the national prize of architecture.